Private Limited Company Formation Form


Name and legal form of the set-up legal entity (UAB, IĮ, VŠĮ):
Registered office:

(If the owner is an individual entity – a consent verified by a notary; if the owner is a legal entity – a consent signed by the manager and sealed; if the premises are pledged – a consent of the bank to which the premises are pledged.)

Type of activity being performed

The data on the founders
(If the founder is a foreign legal entity it is required a statement confirming that the founder of the registration of a foreign state register of legal entities; the documents must be notarized and a certificate Apostille)
Name, surname / company name
Personal code / company code
Address of the place of residence declared/ registered office
Amount of shares in capital of each founder (%)

Financial data
Amount of the authorised capital
Nominal value of shares
The minimum authorized capital of a private company (UAB) is 10.000 LTL / 2896,20 €, a public company (AB) is required to have a minimum authorized capital of 150.000 LTL / 43.443,00 €.

The data on the manager
Name, surname
Personal code
Address of the place of residence declared
Planned salary

Your contacts
Name, surname


